Aguaje for a Bigger Butt

Aguaje is being hailed as an “Amazonian Superfood” and a “Curvy Fruit” that can increase female curves. But what exactly is it?

What is Aguaje?

Aguaje is what the Peruvians call Buriti. Aguaje and buriti are just different names for the same fruit, grown on a tree called the Mauritia Flexuosa, also known as the moriche palm. The pill or powder form of this fruit is usually called Aguaje and the oil that is made from the fruit is called Buriti Oil.

Aguaje is an oval-shaped fruit no larger than the average fig. It grows abundantly in South America and can be found throughout western Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, all long the Amazon River and the Orinoco river basins.

aguaje for bigger butt

For the people of the upper Amazon, aguaje is a natural staple in their diet. The Amazonian natives call aguaje the “tree of life” for its many health benefits.

What are the health benefits of Aguaje?

Aguaje is believed by the locals to refresh and nourish the body, as well as balance hormones. Menopausal women eat the fruit to control hot flashes and restore estrogen values. Some sources say the fruit can even restore fertility and the Amazonian locals go so far as to warn against eating too much of the fruit.

According to researchers at IAAP (Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana in Iquitos), aguaje contains one of the highest plant sources of vitamin A as carotenoids – as much as 5 times more than carrots do! The fruit is also high in essential fatty oils and vitamin C. Buriti Oil is made from this fruit and the oil is rich in vitamin E and emollient factors that are especially beneficial to the skin. The fruit also contains a decent amount of protein – crucial for any effort to increase your butt size.

aguaje for curves: does it work?

The high vitamin A content is crucial because it helps to form and maintain healthy teeth, tissues and bones, mucuous membranes, and skin.

How does aguaje help you grow a bigger butt?

Okay, so this superfruit is great for you, but how about taking aguaje for curves? Does it work? Well, the reason why eating aguaje is a natural route to a bigger butt and an hourglass figure is mostly because the fruit is rich in phytoestrogens (plant-based estrogens). The fruit also contains oleic acids, which are beneficial to helping estrogen develop female sexual characteristics.

The protein found in aguaje can help be beneficial – since proteins are crucial to any butt-building diet and the vitamins certainly help your body overall. But the main reason why aguaje helps butt enhancement is because of its phytoestrogenic content, not necessarily anything particularly special about the fruit.

Aguaje’s “superfood” title mostly has to do with the fact that it is rich in electrolytes, vitamins and nutrients which help to enhance overall health and beauty.

You can buy aguaje in either pill or powder form. The color should be a dark reddish-orange.

Below are the best aguaje products:

Update March 17, 2015: There’s a new Aguaje product by Minvita that we like – it’s just 100% pure Aguaje with nothing else added (like the products below). The best part is that it’s a great value – just $55 for a huge 250 grams of the stuff. Compare that to the Love to Be Stacked below, which is $44 for just a 100 grams. If you’re going to get Aguaje – get the Minvita brand, it’s the best value for what is essentially the same product.

Love to Be Stacked’s Aguaje “Curvy Fruit” Powder

bigger butt powderAguaje from Peru is known as the “curvy fruit” it is said to help shape the female figure by adding fullness to the breasts,hips and buttocks. High in Vitamins A, C, and E. The jar contains 100 Grams/3.5 Oz(20 Teaspoons).

  • High in Vitamins A, C, and E.
  • Best Natural Source of Beta Carotene(Vit. A)
  • Also a good source of vitamins B1,B2, B5, ascorbic acid and the minerals iron, potassium, phosphorus and calcium

Buy it today on Amazon for $34.00!

Love to Be Stacked’s Aguaje “Curvy Fruit” Capsules

bigger butt pillLove to be Stacked’s “Curvy Fruit” Capsules are the same product as their product listed right above – except it’s in more convenient capsule form.

Aguaje from Peru is known as the “curvy fruit” it is said to help shape the female figure by adding fullness to the breasts,hips and buttocks. High in Vitamins A, C, and E. The jar contains 200 capsules / 750mg each.

Pure aguaje powder, Gelatin and purified water.

  • High in Vitamins A, C, and E.
  • Best Natural Source of Beta Carotene(Vit. A)
  • Also a good source of vitamins B1,B2, B5, ascorbic acid and the minerals iron, potassium, phosphorus and calcium

It’s available on Amazon for $50.00, but if you don’t mind the inconvenience of taking it in powder form, you can get the same product for just $34.00!

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