Does Sex Make Your Butt Bigger? Our Guide (with Pictures)

It might come when you’re just strolling the street or daydreaming in class. It might even pop up during the throes of passion. Wherever and whenever it comes up – we’re pretty sure that all of us booty-obssessed folk have asked it at some point in our lives: Does sex make your butt bigger?

Even if you’ve never debated this question out loud, admit it – you’ve asked it in your mind. Maybe even hopped on over to good ole’ Google for a quickie search.

And now you’re here, expecting answers to that very same question. Does it or does it not? It seems straightforward enough, but like all questions of great importance – “What is the meaning of life?” “How does one find truth?” “Will sex increase my derriere?” – the answer is not so simple.

Some skeptics are convinced that the most you can hope to get out of sex is a solid cardio session (and maybe, an orgasm or two) but it will do nothing for your behind while others (us included) firmly believe it WILL…but it depends on how you do it (pun intended).

When you’re using sex as booty-growing strategy – position matters. The classic missionary position, for example, will do more for your core than your rear end, especially if you’re on top (but that’s not really missionary, is it…).

If you’re going to do missionary, don’t do it like this…

does sex make your butt bigger?

…do it like this…

does sex make butt big?

At the risk of sounding eh hem, improper – we’re going to advise you to spread your legs out wide and activate your glutes while in the position!

Doggy style, on the other hand, will get your hips and butt moving, but again – be sure to activate your glutes as you’re doing the deed. Lift you bum upwards, toward the sky, like so…

sex for bigger butt

But as good as the above positions are – an even better position for a good butt and leg workout, though, is hands down…the cowgirl. Here it is…

sex position for a bigger butt

With your legs balanced on the bed or even the floor (whichever you prefer, we’re not judging), you will work your legs, which will work your hips and ultimately your derrier.

Sure, you have to do all the work – but you’re getting a great butt workout while you’re at it…not to mention this position is quite fun ;)

For a more full body workout, use the wall. That’s right – get thee to the wall. Whenever you are up against whatever wall you choose you are forced to really engage your core. What happens when you engage your core? A chain reaction.

You have now been forced to engage your core which in turn stimulates the muscles in your bottom helping you stay up. Even your neck and back muscles are engaged. Your partner-in-action benefits, too – they have to use all of the muscles in their arms to keep you up, giving them a core, legs and butt workout as well.

But don’t do it like this (it hardly requires any effort)…

sex position for a bigger butt


Do it like this…

how to get a bigger butt

Or like this…

bigger butt workouts

If you’re feeling even more adventurous, you’ll also want to try out the “bridge.” This position is not for the weak or undetermined – but it is great (REALLY great) for your glutes. Here’s how it goes: You basically make yourself into a table, like so…

bigger butt exercise

With your back facing the floor, elevate your torso off the ground and hold your bottom up. You’ll feel the burn pretty quickly. This position will really, really work your butt, especially when combined with the cowgirl. Almost like mixing yoga, butt exercises and an orgasm into one workout session. Who’d say no to that?

But keep in mind as much fun as booty-enhancing sex can be – if you’re looking to get a bigger butt fast, sex can’t replace daily butt exercises that target all the crucial muscles in your rear end. Our recommendation is that you add your butt enhancing workouts to one of the world’s favorite activities – sure, some of the above position can be a bit challenging but with a little time and eh hem…practice…you’ll find one more way to build your bum while having fun. Yay for multitasking!

Plus, who knows, you might find a new favorite position ;)

Want totally butt-focused exercises guaranteed to give you a bigger, perkier butt with minimal time investment? You’ll want to check out Bigger Better Butt…

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