Glute Boost Review

If you’ve been trying to get a bigger butt, you probably know the importance of giving your body certain nutrients and hormone-helpful foods. This is why we’re so focused on the ingredients of the butt-enlarging formulas out on the market today – the substances you put in your body has a huge effect on your curves!

how to get a big butt

We like Glute Boost because of its unique formula of butt-enhancing ingredients that are designed to increase your buttocks while keeping fat off your stomach. Since it’s impossible to spot-treat fat, Glute Boost instead takes into consideration the herbs that help metabolism and combines them with herbs that increase estrogen. Maca, for example, increases energy and helps keep the fat off your stomach. It also helps hormonal balance and estrogen production, which helps to widen the hips and increase fat storage in the buttocks.

Here are some of the most important ingredients found in Glute Boost and a description of how they enhance butt growth. For a full list, please visit their website.

Maca Root

Maca root is infamous for its ability to adapt to the human body and balance the body’s hormones. What Maca does for each human body is unique – it does not contain plant hormones itself, instead it provides a unique set of nutrients that directly fuel the human body’s endocrine system to help the glands produce vital hormones in the amounts determines by your own body. For this reason, it’s been called an “intelligent” plant.

For more information about how Maca helps butt growth, click here!


Genistein is one of several known isoflavones, causing effects in the body similar to those caused by the hormone estrogen.  This regulates gene expression which helps to widen the area of your pelvic region.  This supplement is said to mimic the effects of estrogen to increase body fat in the buttocks.


Tyrosine is a building block for several important neurotransmitters which help nerve cells communicate and influence mood. Tyrosine also helps produce melanin and helps in the function of organs responsible for making and regulating hormones, including the adrenal, thyroid, and pituitary glands.  Tyrosine is said to help build muscle in targeted areas, which will help you achieve the natural curves of the buttocks.

Dong Quai

Also known as “female ginseng”, Dong Quai is an herb from the family Apiaceae. The Chinese commonly use the root to treat fatigue, menstruation pains, as well as, enhances antioxidant activity. Dong Quai is great for hormone regulation which will increase your health while shaping the natural curves of the buttocks.

Watercress Extract

Watercress is a rich storehouse of nutrients that has been used as a tonic since ancient times to cleanse the blood and liver of toxins and promote an overall feeling of good health. The herb has been used for a variety of ways that include enhancing stamina, ridding the body of excess fluids, and it is also thought to be a strong antioxidant, particularly in cases of malignancies associated with the lungs.  Watercress’s role is to redirect fat which will help shape the natural curves of the buttocks.

Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto is rich in fatty acid and phytosterols – but it’s real important in butt enhancement lies in its anti-androgen properties. Saw Palmetto is a useful addition to any butt growth program since it helps your body block anti-androgens (male hormones) that might be inhibiting your butt growth.


Fenugreeks seeds contain protein, vitamin C, niacin, potassium and diosgenin (a phytoestrogen). Fenugreek has been used for centuries to enhance female curves and is an effective ingredient for its phytoestrogenic (plant estrogen) properties.

Like we said,  we like Glute Boost for its unique formula of potent butt-enhancing ingredients. The only drawback would be that it might be too much for someone just starting out, as it combines a few very potent ingredients.

If you do decide to go with Glute Boost, make sure to listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

You can get Glute Boost for $49.95 per bottle.

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